Friday, April 15, 2011

This Week's Hopping Links!

Here's this week's round-up of Hopping Links! These are cool, helpful and interesting links we've found this week while burrowing around the internet.

Since Monday kicks off Screen-Free Week, we thought we would share a handful of great articles we found.

  • The Campaign for a Commerical Free Childhood, the sponsors of Screen-Free Week, have a great fact sheet on children and time spent in front of the screen. It downloads as a pdf, if you click on this link.
  • Here's a 2010 article from the New York Times about wired kids. Lots of experts weighing in, with their advice and experience. Read all about it here.
  • We've had a mild winter in Colorado, but still those colder days can lead to more time in front of the TV. This article from The Boston Globe has some great suggestions on how to ween your kids way from the screen this spring. 
  • Finally, although you may not go to the lengths journalist Susan Maushart went to unplug her family - which included three teenagers - from technology for six months, her story is inspiring, and hilariously told to boot. You can soon pick up a copy of her book, The Winter of our Disconnect, at Grandrabbit's, but in the meantime, check out this intriguing preview here
Happy reading and happy Screen-Free Week!

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